Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Overview: E-Mediat Workshops

Workshop 1: Social Media & Networked NGOs Overview and Strategic Planning
Introduction to social media for civil society and networked NGOs: Principles of
best practices in social media
- Creating your social media strategy plan
- Coaching in small groups and one-on-one for NGOs and CSOs: Training on how to use OLC

Workshop 2: Listening and Web Presence
- Listening, security, and privacy
- Strategic internet presence: Blogs
and/or websites

Workshop 3: Social Networks
Using Facebook strategically for NGOs
- Using Twitter strategically for NGOs

Workshop 4: Storytelling with Digital Video
- How to use simple video tools to support your social media strategy plan (Part I)
- How to use simple video tools to support your social media strategy plan (Part I)

Workshop 5: Mobile Strategy
- An overview of text messaging campaign and the mobile generation
- Sharing social media strategy plans and learning

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Testimonials of Appreciation from Emediat participants

Riad Jaber (YMCA) one of the best moments in my life, sharing friends for more than a year and a half in a wonderful program with best trainers,,, thanks to all of u.

Omar Lababidi (Islamic Medical Association) 
منذ عدة ايام كنت اخضع لدورة مع احد المدريبن العرب،قام احد الزملاء بتمرير ورقة ليجمع فيها اسماء كل المشاركين والعناوين بهدف التشبيك لكن المفاجأة ان المسؤول عن الدورة قال ممنوع هذا الامر ولما طلبنا عروض الباورباونت للدورة قال ايضا ممنوع،عندها عرفت مدى اهمية برنامج الايميديات وثقافة المعلومات المفتاوحة والتشبيك التي تعلمناها.
تحية الى كل العاملين في برنامج اي ميديات،استفدت كثيرا جدا من البرنامج طوال شهور ،وتحية لمنى وندى،واجمل شي رحلة الاردن فلن انساها كل حياتي،

Lara Chahoud (Smart Center)Yes indeed E-MediaT is the best program 4 social media

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Emediat Networking Conference - Jordan

A successful networking encounter has four simple steps:

1. Be interested 2. Be generous 3. Be interesting 4. Connect and Follow up.
E-mediat has given us the opportunity to participate in such a successful networking encounter.
Since the conference and from what I can see from statuses, pictures, and comments, 

I am pleased to see these words of affirmation expressing the generous spirits you have towards each other and towards the people you have met.
At the beginning I was surprised, but more impressed, of how fast we interacted together, not only business-wise, but also on a personal level.

 I am thankful and grateful to see such interesting people who are eager to meet others, despite all factors.

 I want to thank Nada Samia Hamzeh and Mona Messlmany and E-mediat who were leading the personal side of networking and arousing the sense of responsibility towards each other.
I am glad I met you all. Wish you a prosperous life.
Nahi Aljawad, Riad Jaber, Fady Rose Khoury, Nadine Abdel Khalek, Rola Souheil, Dodie Thamine, Sarwat Sami Melhem, Wafa Youssef Naja, Reem Dernaika, Mona Messlmany, Nada Samia Hamzeh, Hoda Barakat, Therese Roumieh, Hisham Salem, Rola Ghemrawi, Randa Yassir, Lara Chahoud, Nahla Mounir, Faten Abou Chakra, Wafaa Abed, Marie Therese, Wassim Minkara, Mohamad Dib, Omar, Rayan Ghazal, Taha, Ayman Itani.

Hope i didn't forget anyone

Sylva Akl
Hayya Bina

Friday, February 24, 2012

Microsoft Open Door – 21 Febraury 2012

We attended with some of Emediat participant the Microsoft Open Door.

It was really great to know the latest technology presented by Microsoft especially the  journey to the cloud that started with Microsoft private cloud.  

Cloud service is similar to a data container used all over the world, which gave the control to manage the IT across physical and virtual server environments.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Safer Internet Day February 4th, 2012

World Vision Lebanon & The Higher Council for Childhood organized a big activity for children and their parents concerning the safety online topics.

We participated in this event in addition to several NGOs ( Himaya- YMCA- Kidproof ME & Al Mahdi Scouts and Guides) parallel there were trainings for parents provided by Ogero & Microsoft.

It was really a great day, more than 700 kids came with their parents. Kids benefited a lot from this event, as most of the games contain messages related to Internet Safety.


As emediat we tried to encourage parents to attend the trainings in order to help them to control their kids while using internet & encourage kids to use internet safety and drive out fear. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Do you want to be happy?

Do you want to be happy, know who you are and love yourself
Happiness is our original nature, the better we know ourselves the happier we will be. When we forget who we are, we begin searching for happiness.
Happiness is an experience when we accept ourselves, when we stop asking: “why me? Why not me?”

Do you want to be happy? Do what you love to do
Can you clearly say “I love my work” and really mean it.
To do something well you have to like it…
Do what you love and the money will follow. You’ve heard this cute advice a hundred times f you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work. But what if you have no idea what your passion is? It’s time you find out.

Do you want to be happy? Have a positive attitude
Positive attitude manifests in the following ways:
Positive , creative and constructive thinking.
Motivation to accomplish your goals.
Being inspired and not giving up.
Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise.
Displaying self-esteem and confidence.
Looking for solutions and seeing opportunities.

Do you want to be happy? Be a friend
Think about how you can be a true friend to your partner, to your children, to your parents, to your colleagues, to your clients, etc


Do you want to be happy? Take care of your health.
Appreciate life … appreciate your life
the real gift of gratitude is the more grateful you are, the more present you become. One way to practice gratitude is to start expressing it.
Most people would rather be certain they’re miserable, than risk being happy.

Do you want to be happy? Have fun