E-Mediat is a dynamic public-private partnership providing cutting-edge new media training to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
New Media program will provide basic digital infrastructure, specialized training, and an online learning community (OLC) to assist the organizations in their communications strategies and ultimately foster more pluralistic and participatory societies including women and youth. The training, coaching and mentoring opportunities offered through the New Media program will empower Participating Organizations (POs) with the knowledge, skills and support to use new media technology to tell their stories, build their membership and support bases, and connect to a community of peers around the world.
E-mediat program has been designed to accomplish the following objectives:
I Increase CSO/NGO knowledge, skills and access to use new media effectively
I Increase CSO/NGO knowledge, skills and access to use new media effectively
- Improve communication between CSO/NGO leaders and constituents
- Improve communication between CSO/NGOs and governments in the MENA region
IIE proposes to provide technical support and training on new media for civil society to 150 - 250 NGOs and CSOs across five countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, UAE, Yemen & Tunisia.
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