Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Overview: E-Mediat Workshops

Workshop 1: Social Media & Networked NGOs Overview and Strategic Planning
Introduction to social media for civil society and networked NGOs: Principles of
best practices in social media
- Creating your social media strategy plan
- Coaching in small groups and one-on-one for NGOs and CSOs: Training on how to use OLC

Workshop 2: Listening and Web Presence
- Listening, security, and privacy
- Strategic internet presence: Blogs
and/or websites

Workshop 3: Social Networks
Using Facebook strategically for NGOs
- Using Twitter strategically for NGOs

Workshop 4: Storytelling with Digital Video
- How to use simple video tools to support your social media strategy plan (Part I)
- How to use simple video tools to support your social media strategy plan (Part I)

Workshop 5: Mobile Strategy
- An overview of text messaging campaign and the mobile generation
- Sharing social media strategy plans and learning

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